Florida Office of Insurance Regulation
Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Department File Number : M2024106349
Claim Number : 1156038-02
Date Submitted : 8/27/2024
Insurer Information
Insurer Name Coverage Type
Insurer FEIN Professional License Number
Insurer Contact Information
Type First Name MI Last Name
Individual Michelle Pierron
Street Address
5814 Reed Road
City State Zip
Ft Wayne IN 46835
Phone Ext Fax E-Mail Address
(800) 463 - 3776     reportaclaim@medpro.com
Insured Information
Type First Name MI Last Name
Individual Naveed   Nosrati
Insurer Type Street Address of Practice
Licensed 8400 SW 8th St
City State Zip Code County
Miami FL 33144 Dade
Policy Number Per Claim Policy Limits Aggregate Policy Limits
ES067405 $250,000 $750,000
Profession or Business Other Profession or Business
Medical Doctor  
License Number Specialty Code & Classification Certification Number
ME151149 Surgery - Plastic  

Florida Office of Insurance Regulation
Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Injured Person Information
First Name MI Last Name Date of Birth
Street Address Gender County where Injury Occurred
  F Dade
City State Zip Code
Location where injury occured Other location where injury occured
Other Outpatient Facility New Life Surgery Center
Name of Institution Code
Location of Institutional Injury Other Location of Institutional Injury
Operating Suite  
Date of Occurrence Date Reported to Insurer
12/14/2022 1/12/2023
Diagnostic Information
Final Diagnosis For Which Treatment Was Sought Including Patient's Actual Condition
Excessive abdominal skin and flank adiposity
Operation, Diagnostic, Or Treatment Procedure Rendered Causing The Injury
Extended abdominoplasty with plication of rectus sheath and liposuction of bilateral flanks
Diagnostic Code :  
Misdiagnosis Made, If Any, Of Patient's Actual Condition
None as there was no misdiagnosis
Principal Injury Giving Rise To The Claim
Three days post-op suffered pulmonary embolism and subsequently died
Severity Of Injury
Permanent: Death.

Florida Office of Insurance Regulation
Medical Malpractice Closed Claims Report

Legal Information
Date of Suit Circuit Court Case Number
6/19/2023 2023-018355-CA-01
County Suit Filed in Date of Final Disposition
Dade 2/13/2024
Other Defendants Involved in this Claim
New Life Plastic Surgery Corp
Stage of Legal System at which Settlement was Reached or Award Made
More than 90 days, after suit filed and prior to or during the course of mandatory settlement conference.
Final Method of Claim Disposition
Settled by parties
Court Decision Other
No Court Proceedings.  
Claim not subject to Arbitration.
Date of Payment
Financial Information
Was there a settlement Resulting in payment to the Plaintiff? Yes
Indemnity Paid by Insurer on behalf of Insured $250,000
Loss Adjust Expense Paid to Defense Counsel $57,338
All Other Loss Adjustment Expense Paid $9,434
Injured Person's Total Non-Economic Loss $225,000
Deductible $0
Injured Person's Total Economic Loss
  Incurred to Date Anticipated
Medical Expense $0 $0
Wage Loss $0 $0
Other Expenses $0 $0
Safety Management Steps Taken by Insured to Make Similar Occurrence Less Likely
No updates found.



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