




















































































































Make sure that you remember to assign a new claim number to your duplicate claim form by clicking the Edit Details button on the Claim Summary page.

































Step 2: Understanding the Claim Summary Page

Now that you've completed the initial steps of creating your new closed claim form, you're almost ready to get into the details of your closed claim.  First though, you'll need to understand the central hub from which you'll access all sections of your claim's details.  This central hub is called the Claim Summary page.  


From the Claim Summary page you may elect to:

  1. Edit the details of the claim  by clicking the Edit Details button.

  2. Work on the various sections of a claim (e.g., Insured Information, Financial Information, etc.) by clicking the name of that section.

  3. Copy the data from this claim to begin a new claim by clicking the Copy button.

  4. Delete the claim information by clicking the Delete button.

  5. Review the claim information by clicking the Review button.

  6. Submit your claim to the Office of Insurance Regulation by clicking the Submit Claim button.


The Claim Summary page is displayed below.  Notice that it is divided into two primary sections.  Although an MPL Claim Summary page is shown below, there are common elements to all closed claim form summary pages.


The MPL Claim Summary Page


  • The first section of the Claim Summary page displays the Claim Number, Coverage Type and Insurer Name.  You can modify any of the fields listed in this section by clicking the Edit Details button.  This portion of the page will also appear on each section of the chosen reporting form and can be modified there as well.

  • The second section lists all section names of the chosen reporting form and the status of that section.  These individual section names vary based on the type of closed claim form.  You can edit each section of a claim by clicking on the name of the claim section.  Claims that are complete will have a status of complete, while incomplete claims have a status of incomplete. The Submit Claim button will be disabled until the status of all required sections is complete. You'll also notice a column titled Last Update.  This column will list the date you last updated the information.


Editing Claim Details

The first section of the Claim Summary page displays the Claim Number, Coverage Type and Insurer Name.  You can modify any of the fields listed in this section by clicking the Edit Details button.


The Edit Claim Details Page

To Edit Claim Details

  1. Update the Claim Number as needed.

  2. Select a different Insurer Name from the List of available insurers.

  3. Select the appropriate coverage type (primary or excess).

  4. Click the Save button to save your changes or the Cancel button to discard your changes.  Clicking either button will return you to the Claim Summary page.


Please note that there are certain limitations on editing these fields from the Claim Details page.  For example, it is not possible to add a new insurer from this page.  For more specific information on editing these fields, please refer to Step 1 Creating a new Closed Claim Form (All Forms).  Note that these are the same fields you set up during the initial stage in the closed claim form creation process.

Working on Specific Claim Sections

In order to submit your closed claim to the Office of Insurance Regulation, each section of a closed claim form must be completed.  Each section of a closed claim form varies based on the type of form you are working with (e.g., MPL, LPL, DNO).  To begin editing the detailed sections of your closed claim form, click the closed claim form section name.


For details regarding the completion of specific closed claims form, refer to Step 3A for MPL forms, 3B for LPL Forms, or 3C for DNO Forms.

Copying Claim Data for New Claims

If you wish to make an exact duplicate of this claim to avoid the initial steps involved in claim creation [covered in Step 1 Creating a new Closed Claim Form (All Forms)] you may do so by clicking the Copy button.  Upon clicking the Copy button you will be returned to the main PLCR Workbench where you will see the new claim you created and an exact copy of that claim (with the same Claim Number, Insurer Name, Insurer Type, Form Type, Status, and Occurrence Date).  You may access this new copy of your claim by clicking the Claim Number of the duplicate record.


Make sure that you remember to assign a new claim number to your duplicate claim form by clicking the Edit Details button on the Claim Summary page.

Deleting Claim Information

You can delete a claim by clicking the Delete button.  Please be aware that all data you have entered for that particular claim will be destroyed if you delete that claim.  It is not currently possible for you to recover a deleted claim in PLCR.  After clicking the Delete button you will be returned to the main PLCR Workbench.

Reviewing Claim Information

You may review all specific details about your claim in summary format by clicking the Review button.  All sections relevant to your claim will be displayed on a per section basis (e.g., Insured Information, Financial Information) on the Claim Review page.  You may return to the Claim Summary page by clicking the Return to Summary Page button at the bottom of the Claim Review Page, or clicking the Back button of your Internet browser.

Submitting Claim Information

Once you have completed all sections of your closed claim form, the status of each section will change from red, Incomplete text to green, Complete text.  This will enable the Submit Claim button.  To submit your Claim to the Office of Insurance regulation, please review the Submitting Claims portion of this help system.