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Division of Accounting and Auditing

CSFA State Fiscal Year 2023-2024
CSFA Number:
State Project Title:
Florida Shared-Use Nonmotorized (SUN) Trail Network Program
Department of Transportation
Transportation Systems Development, Highway Operations
Budget Entity:
55100100, 55150200
Specific Appropriation:
$906,647 GAA Line 2002; $8,228,034 GAA Line 2024 FY 2023-2024
Appropriation Category:
088717, 088849
Related CFDA Code:
SB 2015 2514-A and s. 339.81, F.S.
The Florida Shared-Use Nonmotorized (SUN) Trail Program offers funding for the development of a statewide, paved, multi-use trail network (SUN Trail network) for bicyclists and pedestrians, physically separated from vehicular traffic. The SUN Trail network is a refined version of the Florida Greenways and Trails System Plan's Land Trail Priority Network, established in Chapter 260, Florida Statutes (F.S.). The Florida Department of Transportation (the Department, also referred to as FDOT) through its $25 million annual allocation from the redistribution of new vehicle tag revenues pursuant to Section 320.072, F.S., provides funding assistance for SUN Trail Network corridor planning, preliminary and environmental planning, acquisition of real property/land/right-of-way, design, new construction or reconstruction of trail surface and bridges and maintenance.

SUN Trail Program projects will improve intermodal connectors by closing gaps in the statewide trail system connecting smaller communities with major cities across multiple counties resulting in incalculable benefits to personal and community health. By enhancing infrastructure and increasing the reliability of all modes of Florida's transportation system, implementation of the statewide trail system has the ability to reduce incidents with vulnerable road users and enhance safety. Trails can also be a catalyst for economic development by increasing the value of nearby properties, generating spending at local businesses, influencing business location and relocation decisions, revitalizing depressed areas, providing sustainable tourism opportunities and creating jobs. Additionally, trails present the potential to enhance access to conservation lands, maintain essential corridor access for wildlife and reflect responsible environmental stewardship.
Types Of Assistance:
Cooperative Agreements
Applicant Type:
Local Government
SUN Trail Program projects are limited to geographic areas within the SUN Trail Network. Accordingly, the ability of the Department to fund projects is limited to the physical boundaries of these areas as well as the provisions of Section 339.81, F.S.

SUN Trail Program projects may have multiple funding sources; however, SUN Trail Program funds do not qualify as match requirements for other funding programs.

Eligible SUN Trail Program project phases may include corridor-planning, preliminary and environmental planning, acquisition of real property/land/right-of-way (ROW), design, new construction or reconstruction of trail surface and bridges, and maintenance. Some trail routes may be on public rights of way, others may be on private land. If the land acquired is within the existing FDOT ROW, the Department may maintain ownership. Otherwise, the Department will purchase ROW, separate from existing FDOT ROW, on behalf of the managing agency or transfer title upon completion of construction. Negotiations for the purchase of private property are conducted in strict compliance with both federal and state law. Only the properties identified as necessary for the qualified project are eligible. Construction represents the actual building phase for the trail facility. The SUN Trail Network is a transportation network. As such, it is a basic interconnected non-motorized transportation facility. The Department is obligated to fund only new construction or reconstruction of trail surface and bridges: pavement, drainage, land stabilization and safety controls. Additional construction items are not eligible for SUN Trail Program funding. However, if other funding sources are available for additional improvements, construction may occur at the same time.

Pursuant to Section 339.81, F.S., components funded through the SUN Trail program will not include:
* Sidewalks
* Nature trails
* Loop trails wholly within a single park or natural area; or
* On-road facilities, such as bicycle lanes or routes other than:
a) On-road facilities that are no longer than one-half mile connecting two or more nonmotorized trails, if the provision of non-road facilities is infeasible and if such on-road facilities are signed and marked for nonmotorized use; or
On-road components of the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail.
* SUN Trail funds are for the transportation element of the trail. Ineligible costs include but are not limited to:
* benches, trail furniture, seating areas, buildings, restrooms, wayside structures, overlooks, fishing platforms, transit facilities, shelters, or picnic pavilions/tables;
* bicycle racks or lockers, bicycle air or repair stations;
* kiosks, interpretive panels, or placemaking signs (safety controls are an allowable cost);
* landscaping (trial stabilization is an allowable cost);
* litter or recycle receptacles and doggie bag dispensers;
* parking areas or trailheads;
* playgrounds, fitness equipment or structures;
* promotional, marketing, or educational materials;
* sculptures, fountains, monuments, or art; and
* water fountains, splash zones, spigots, showers, water features, or irrigation equipment.

The Department will maintain the pavement and any bridge structures for a trail in its ROW and will apply normal roadway maintenance standards such as mowing and litter control to the entire ROW inclusive of the trail on trails that are constructed inside of FDOT ROW. Beyond this, a local sponsor/agency will enter into a maintenance agreement with the Department to undertake all other trail maintenance. The area of responsibility will be the footprint of the trail within FDOT ROW as defined by the District. The local agency/sponsor will be responsible for any mowing and litter control above FDOT roadway standards and maintenance of drainage and trail specific facilities and features such as ornamental landscaping, wayside areas, benches, litter receptacles and restrooms.

Trails that are constructed outside of FDOT ROW shall be maintained by an entity other than the Department. Pursuant to Section 335.065, F.S., upon completion of these construction projects, the trail shall be operated and maintained by an entity other than the Department without obligation to provide funds for the operation and maintenance of the project. The Department will enter into an agreement or other form of documented commitment to ensure that a local sponsor/agency is committed to long term trail maintenance. The local sponsor/agency will be responsible for all trail operation and maintenance needs which includes routine pavement and bridge structure repair, litter control, sweeping, vegetation management, and the maintenance of drainage and trail specific facilities and features such as ornamental landscaping, wayside areas, benches, litter receptacles, and restrooms.

A Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement (MMOA) will identify maintenance and management responsibilities regardless if the trail will be within or outside of FDOT's right-of-way.
Pre-Application Notice:
Administration of the SUN Trail Program is by FDOTs Central Office, Systems Implementation Office, namely the SUN Trail Program Manager. In addition to the SUN Trail Program Manager, there is at least one SUN Trail District Coordinator in each of the Department's seven districts and the Turnpike Enterprise. These Coordinators are the District's primary point-of-contact. They help with coordinating aspects of SUN Trail planning and implementation. These activities may include project identification, evaluation, prioritization, programming, mapping, administration, and program compliance. FDOTs Central Office publicly announces the statewide solicitation period for Request for Funding through the SUN Trail program.
Application Procedures:
All regional and individual trail project proposals must be submitted on the Florida Department of Transportation SUN Trail Request for Funding, with applicable project information, including the required prioritization and signatures by the announced deadline.

A separate Request for Funding must be used for each project proposed for SUN Trail Program funding. It is recommended that applicants familiarize themselves with the Request for Funding Guidance

Requests for funding not meeting the Eligibility Criteria, and ineligible projects and phases will not receive funding consideration.

All regional and individual trail projects must meet the following minimum eligibility criteria:
1) Documentation that the project will be developed as a paved multi-use trail within the SUNT rail network, which is aligned to the adopted Florida Greenways and Trails System Priority Land Trail Network, at minimum, this will include transmittal of a map of the project limits within the SUN Trail network, the typical section schematic (for construction projects) and other applicable information provided in the Request for Funding.
2) Documentation that the project is a priority of the applicable authority; at minimum, this will include transmittal of an adopted prioritization list of projects and other applicable information provided in the Request for Funding.
* If the project is within a boundary of a Metropolitan/Transportation Planning Organization (MPO), it must be a MPO priority.
* For areas outside of MPO boundaries, the project must be a priority of the county (inclusive of their municipalities), tribal government, federal or state agency.
3) Documentation that a non-FDOT governmental agency is formally committed to the operation and maintenance of the project (long-term trail manager), this will include transmittal of applicable Request for Funding information.
4) Documentation that the project is consistent with the applicable comprehensive plan(s), transportation plan(s), or the long-term management plan(s), this will include applicable project concurrency information.

Requestors will the request for funding through the grant application process online system (GAP) during the open solicitation here: www.flgap.com Each proposal will consist of the following submittal items:

5) Completed Request for Funding, with required signatures, budget summary with any available match, and a project schedule.
6) Aerial Location Map depicting the project limits
7) Typical Section 
8) Prioritization List
9) Completed "SUN Trail Regional and Individual Project Request for Funding Engineer's Cost Estimate" (one Excel file) prepared and signed by a Professional Engineer
Award Procedures:
The SUN Trail District Coordinator will facilitate evaluation, prioritization, and district approval of regional and individual trail projects for funding. The SUN Trail Program Manager will facilitate final review by the FDOT Central Office, to include program eligibility, final evaluation and prioritization, development of the funding scenario, approval by leadership and coordination with the Central Office of Work Program and Budget..

Recipients of SUN Trail Network Program funding must enter into an agreement to ensure a non-FDOT governmental agency is committed to long-term trail maintenance and management. This Memorandum of Agreement (MOAA) between the Department and a local partner agency will identify maintenance and management responsibilities regardless if the trail will be within or outside of FDOT ROW. The Department has standardized these agreements and each SUN Trail District Coordinator and District Project Manager will ensure the proper agreement is executed.

To receive consideration for SUN Trail funding, the District Trail Coordinator must receive a separate, complete "Request for Funding" for each eligible Regional or Individual Trail project proposed for SUN Trail funding, with applicable information, including the prioritization and the required signatures during a solicitation period by the announced deadline.

There is not an annual solicitation. However, during the annual revision cycle, projects in the adopted work program are considered for advancement or deferral, a new fifth year is added, and the first year drops off as projects are completed. The annual revision is known as the development of the tentative work program (TWP).

The SUN Trail Program Individual Trail Project Request for Funding and guidance, eligibility and selection criteria, and other resources are provided at www.FloridaSunTrail.com.

Authorization & Statutes:
Florida Shared-Use Nonmotorized (SUN) Trail Network - Section 339.81, F.S.
Bicycle and pedestrian ways along state roads and transportation facilities - Section 335.065, F.S.
Motor vehicle licenses - Section 320.072, F.S.
Florida Greenways and Trails Act - Chapter 260, F.S.
Florida Single Audit Act - Section 215.97, F.S.
Reinstatement of vetoed appropriations by administrative means prohibited - 216.179, F.S.
Advertising for competitive bids or proposals - Section 255.0525, F.S.
Naming of state buildings and other facilities - Section 267.062, F.S.
Public meetings and records - Section 286.011, F.S.
General exemptions from public meetings - Section 286.0113, F.S.
Definitions - Section 334.03(30), F.S.
Legislative designation of transportation facilities - Section 334.071, F.S.
Contracting, acquisition, disposal, and use of property - Chapter 337, F.S.
Work program; legislative budget request; definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment - Section 339.135, F.S.

Information Contact:
Robin Birdsong
SUN Trail Manager
Systems Implementation Office
605 Suwannee Street, MS 19 
Tallahassee FL 32399
Phone: (850)414-4900
Email: Robin.Birdsong@dot.state.fl.us
Web Address:
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